Introspection – Life in the Shadow of Time
is a double concept album with a total running time of one hour and forty-five minutes.
Here is a brief overview of all eighteen songs. To enhance your experience,
download the e-book and reflect on the pictures that accompany each song.
Wake-up Call, based on Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s songs Udila Aruṇa and Jīva Jāgo, depicts Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the Golden Avatar, as He traverses villages in the early morning hours with His followers. He calls on the sleeping people to awaken—both physically and spiritually—by exhorting them not to waste the invaluable gift of human life in idleness, dreaming on the lap of Māyā, the personified material energy. Instead, He urges them to embrace the spiritual practice of chanting the Lord’s holy names, a path that leads to self-realization and ultimately to liberation from the cycle of birth and death, along with its attendant sufferings.
My Tale of Misery opens the cycle of introspective songs by previous Vaiṣṇava ācāryas. In this song, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura portrays himself as an ordinary human being reflecting on the trajectory of life—moving from childhood to adulthood and eventually facing the inevitable decline of old age. While old age is often accompanied by nostalgic lamentation, Bhaktivinoda offers a different perspective. He emphasizes that it can, and should, become a catalyst for embarking on the path of spiritual life, or deepening one’s commitment for those already practicing.
My Life, originally titled Āmara jīvana by Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, is another favorite song of Śrīla Prabhupāda and, apparently, of his spiritual master, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura as well. Shortly before his departure from this world, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta quoted and elaborated on this song, telling the disciples, who had gathered around him, that it perfectly encapsulates the life of a proud and envious materialist. He emphasized how it serves as a poignant reminder of the need to overcome all obstacles on the path of devotional service by cultivating humility and transcending vanity.
Introspection – Life in the Shadow of Time
is a double concept album with a total running time of one hour and forty-five minutes.
Here is a brief overview of all eighteen songs. To enhance your experience,
download the e-book and reflect on the pictures that accompany each one.
Wake-up Call, based on Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s songs Udila Aruṇa and Jīva Jāgo, depicts Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the Golden Avatar, as He traverses villages in the early morning hours with His followers. He calls on the sleeping people to awaken—both physically and spiritually—by exhorting them not to waste the invaluable gift of human life in idleness, dreaming on the lap of Māyā, the personified material energy. Instead, He urges them to embrace the spiritual practice of chanting the Lord’s holy names, a path that leads to self-realization and ultimately to liberation from the cycle of birth and death, along with its attendant sufferings.
My Tale of Misery opens the cycle of introspective songs by previous Vaiṣṇava ācāryas. In this song, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura portrays himself as an ordinary human being reflecting on the trajectory of life—moving from childhood to adulthood and eventually facing the inevitable decline of old age. While old age is often accompanied by nostalgic lamentation, Bhaktivinoda offers a different perspective. He emphasizes that it can, and should, become a catalyst for embarking on the path of spiritual life, or deepening one’s commitment for those already practicing.